Telugu Lives

To Loose Weight…. These are the Daily Tips


The daily home tips to loose weight

Nowadays the major problem for humans is the Heavy Weight. For this speed generation food is the major problem, no time for cooking …so outside food is become the part of every one’s life. It causes many health issues.

So here we bringing for you the best tips to loose weight. These tips are not having a heavy cost and even a small amount of time we need to spare. Following are the tips and all the very best for your weight loosing program.

To burn the fat… drink a cup of light warm water with a spoon of honey at a very early morning.

Drink green tea with a spoon of honey and a spoon of lemon water for two times daily.

Mix 2 spoons of Cranberry juice in a glass of water and drink before taking food.

To burn the fat around the belly take a glass of light warm water with a spoon of ginger juice and a spoon of Sesame(nuvvulu) oil. 

And lost but very powerful one is take the glass of light warm water with a mix of lemon water. It helps to burn the fat very efficiently.


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